Company law

Company formation

Alongside the right business idea, setting up a company requires attention to the legal framework. In this regard, the right form of business organisation is of particular importance. Liability, financing options, management, accounting and taxation are dependent on this. In addition, provisions have to be made for the death or possible divorce of the company founder, so that the existence of the company is not at risk. All legal relationships need to be coordinated from the legal and the tax perspectives. We help in the decision-making process and draft the required contracts in cooperation with other advisors.

If you aim to acquire or dispose of a company or shareholding, foresighted contract design and careful examination are required in order to minimise your risks. The questions that arise should first be discussed with your tax advisor and your notary, and if applicable, with a lawyer.

Company acquisition

Restructuring and conversion

For tax and legal reasons, the company has to regularly check whether its corporate structure is still suitable. The law offers numerous possibilities to change from one form of business organisation to another. Besides a change of legal form, a merger with another company or the spin-off of part of a business may be required. Entrepreneurial decisions of particular significance relate to the acquisition or disposal of the company or parts of the company, also especially in connection with succession planning. To minimise risks, foresighted contract design and careful examination are required. We are happy to advise you in all these cases.